CVD Prevention Return on Investment Tool
The CVD Prevention RoI Tool will help you to understand the costs, savings and health benefits likely to be produced by implementing a range of interventions or improvements in detection and/ or management in your local authority (LA), clinical commissioning group (CCG) or sustainability and transformation plan (STP) footprint.
The tool is based on a simulation model that will calculate the health benefits and cost savings made through changes in detection and management of six key high CVD risk factors: hypertension; atrial fibrillation, diabetes; non-diabetic hyperglycaemia; chronic kidney disease and high cholesterol/high QRISK score. If you need further information please read the Project Overview before starting a run, or download the User Guide. If you need help using the system there are help icons ( ) throughout the interface.’ Please note that this model may not work on older browsers that are no longer supported by Microsoft (e.g. Internet Explorer 9).
Please note: Over the last month (Sept. 2023) we have reviewed and addressed a few issues within the model which specifically involve user-defined interventions. If you ran the model involving these and received unusual results, please try this again now.